Event Information

CANCELED TODAY Colors of My Jewish Year: Shabbat (age 3-9 with caregiver)
Whether you practice Shabbat yourself or just want to know more, you're invited to this interactive series led by teachers from Beth Israel Synagogue in Wallngford. Children who attend all four sessions will complete a Shabbat Kit, but attendance at all four sessions is not required. This program has been made possible through a grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven.
Registration required. Caregivers must attend this program.
- Cheshire residents may register beginning on November 28.
- Non-residents may register beginning on December 5.
- Date:
- Thursday, February 6, 2025
- Time:
- 4:00pm - 4:45pm
- Location:
- Mary Baldwin Room, Main Level
Registration has closed.
Upcoming Events
Time Zone: Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
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